Hiring L&S SOAR Peer Advisor

L & S Academic Advising Services is hiring peer advisors to work with us at SOAR this summer. L&S SOAR peer advisors work collaboratively with a team of professional advisors to provide new students with an academic orientation to the College of Letters & Science. This includes working in small groups and one-on-one with students, answering questions about degree requirements, course selection, and enrollment.


  • No prior experience is necessary. We will provide the training.
  • Applicants must be continuing students who will have completed at least two semesters at UW-Madison by the end of the spring 2018 semester.
  • Applicants should be in good academic standing (2.00 or higher GPA).
  • Applicants must be able to attend ALL training and SOAR sessions.

 Training and SOAR Session Dates

  • Training dates: Approximately May 29-June 7.
  • SOAR Session dates: June 8-29 and July 9-August 10.
  • There will be no SOAR obligations June 30-July 8, nor August 11-21.
  • SOAR Session (late August) dates: August 22-30. (There is some flexibility with late August dates, if you have commitments to Housing training or other campus positions.)
  • All work is weekdays only, between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, approximately 25-30 hours per week.




 Please submit, in a single Word or .pdf document, the following to the L&S SOAR Peer Hiring Committee at advisingaas@ls.wisc.edu:

  • A one-page cover letter that includes: your name, campus ID number, declared or intended major(s), why you are interested in this position, and why you feel you are qualified for this position.
  • A one-page résumé.
  • A list of 2 professional or academic references. Please include the reference’s name, position, relationship to you, email address, and phone number.

All application materials must be received by 5:00 pm on Monday, February 12, 2018.

Read the full article at: https://advising.ls.wisc.edu/2017/12/22/love-advising-great-were-hiring-peer-advisors-for-soar/