Jillana (Jill) Peterson & Zendesk

“Jillana (Jill) Peterson ’10 received her Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Wisconsin – Madison with majors in International Studies and Scandinavian Studies.  Ms. Peterson currently works with Zendesk on the corporate social responsibility team.  In this video, she shares her professional journey, why she has an interest in Scandinavian culture,  and offers several pieces of advice to current students.  This interview is part of the College of Letters & Science Career Initiative “Badger to Badger: Steps that Matter” video series. ”

Visit the link below for full video and written content.

Read the full article at: https://mediaspace.wisc.edu/media/Culture+and+TechnologyA+A+Career+Inspired+through+Self-Reflection/0_b683xskc/37481152