

Congratulations as you finish your undergraduate career and transition to graduate school or your next career step!  This page has several helpful resources to assist you. Please contact an advisor if you have any questions on remaining degree requirements.

Useful Websites:

Apply to Graduate– This page describes the process by which UW-Madison students must apply to graduate.

Diplomas– This page provides information about when and where you will receive your diploma.

Commencement– This page provides general commencement information for UW-Madison.

L&S Commencement Information– This page provides commencement information specific to the College of Letters and Science.

University Bookstore– This page will link you to the UW-Madison University Bookstore that provides purchase and rental information for commencement cap and gowns.  Please note the deadlines for purchasing and renting.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How are graduation and commencement different?

Graduation is the fulfillment of all your degree requirements as indicated by your transcripts and commencement is the party we all have in your honor.

Do I need to attend commencement to graduate?

No, you do not need to attend commencement to graduate.  You will graduate when your degree requirements are complete.

My parents really want to attend commencement but I still need to take a summer class, what should I do?

You can attend commencement before you graduate (for example, you might attend commencement in May but take 1 or 2 summer classes to complete your degree requirements and graduate in August).

How do I know if I am eligible to graduate?

Please see the information about graduation requirements here.

How do I apply to graduate?

Please see the demo and information provided by the Office of the Registrar.

Does the IS Major do anything special?

Yes, the IS Major hosts a celebration for all IS Major students (Fall, Summer, and Winter graduates) the week before Spring Commencement.  Further information will be provided to students in the Spring Semester.

Do students need to RSVP for the IS Major celebration?

We strongly encourage you to RSVP so that the IS Major can order the proper amount of food.  RSVP information will be sent out in the spring semester.

Can parents attend the IS Major celebration?

Yes, parents are welcome but we ask that they (or their student) RSVP so that we can have enough food. RSVP information will be sent out in the spring semester.

I need something that states I graduated for my visa or future employer but I don’t have my diploma yet, what should I do?

You should request a Degree Verification Letter from the Office of the Registrar.